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Cobourg Yacht Club

Cobourg Yacht Club

  • Last updated: February 26, 2025

CYC is pleased to announce reciprocal privileges for the 2025 season. The CYC will be open for many events in April and through the summer.  Our keel race night is Wednesday, Thursday is for centreboard racing and Learn To Race night. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings the kitchen is open and guests are welcome.  Often on Saturdays there will be a social event as well.

The Cobourg Marina is open and welcomes guest reservations for the upcoming season.  CYC with the help of the marina will offer one reciprocal evening for your second night of stay.  We have arranged two reciprocal slips which are managed by the marina. Booking ahead with the Marina at 905-372-2397 is very strongly recommended.  Calling in, upon arrival,  on VHF Channel 68 to get a dock assignment is essential so that the Marina can direct you and meet you if required.